The main idea in today’s passage is that those who serve God must persevere under pressure. It’s easy to serve God when everything is going well. But those who serve God often experience great hardships as well as blessings. So we have to be able to endure and continue on serving God no matter what it costs us. Read More ...
Nobody is perfect. We all stumble in many ways. But our objective/goal should be that we avoid blameworthy ministry. We should intentionally avoid causing offenses or being difficult. We must avoid the kind of conduct that would hinder the Gospel or tarnish the reputation of the church. We should do everything possible to maintain the purity, integrity, and good testimony of Christian ministry. Read More ...
How can we avoid judging others on a superficial, external level? How can we put off the old and live as new creations in Christ? How can we engage in the great task of reconciling others to God? Who around us can we urge and implore to accept the free gift of salvation through Christ? If we were living for Jesus this week, that’s what we’d be doing. Let’s give it a try. Read More ...
C. Really, it’s only Christians who have the right to celebrate this holiday. Those who don’t know the Lord have nothing to celebrate. Jesus is not their savior. They are still lost, blind, and dead in transgressions and sins. They don’t enjoy any of the benefits that come from knowing Christ as Lord and Savior. They have no hope and are without God in the world. Read More ...
This great change is something God does—he is working in us “both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). Growth and maturity in the Christian life come from yielding ourselves to God (cf. Rom 6:13). Life begins to change when we live for him who died for us (cf. vs. 15). Read More ...