We must continually be moving out of the darkness and into the light. We want to move out of the darkness of ignorance and sin and into the light of obedience and righteousness. We want to escape the darkness of ignorance and apathy and move toward the light of knowledge and commitment. We must forsake the darkness of superstition and paganism we see in our world and pursue the light of God as we find it in the Bible. And we want to help others move out of the darkness of sin into the light of salvation. We do that by proclaiming the biblical Gospel and urging people to repent and believe in Jesus. Read More ...
Disciples of Christ follow the teachings of Christ and proclaim those teachings to others. They want others to become followers of Christ. Disciples make or help make other disciples. They want to spread the Gospel so that others hear the message and respond in repentance and faith. Read More ...
It would not do us much good to know that “God, … spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets” (Hebrews 1:1) if the record of those words were lost, garbled, or corrupted. Through the good providence of God, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments have been preserved over time so that what we have today is the same as what God originally inspired. We can have great confidence that the Bible we hold in our hands today is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Word of God. Read More ...
We must maintain our opposition to the LGBT agenda and same-sex marriage. One way to do that is to proclaim our respect for biblical marriage. God’s intent is that a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves unto his wife. One man and one wife for one life is God’s plan, and that should be our commitment and our plan as well. That ought to be the vision of the good life that we impress upon our children. Read More ...
Our singing is supposed to reflect the “word of Christ.” We are supposed to use music to promote wisdom, teaching, and admonishment. The musical forms expected to be sung in church are psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. In order to communicate the truth of Scripture through music, we must insist that the music be theologically correct. The principles and ideas communicated in the music must be biblically accurate. Read More ...
Christians assert that God is the ultimate authority, not humans. God is the creator, and he’s told us who we are and how to behave ourselves. The word of God holds authority over us, and it’s in our best interests to align ourselves with the moral standards we find in God’s Word. And those standards of behavior are good, right, and proper. It’s best for us when we follow the owner’s manual. Following God’s commands is always in our own best interests. Read More ...
If Christ were not raised from the dead, he was merely another one of the thousands of people crucified by the Roman Empire. But if he rose from the dead, he is the victor, not a victim, a conqueror, not a casualty. We affirm again today, as all Christians have for nearly 2,000 years, that Jesus was victorious over death and the devil, as proven by his resurrection. Read More ...
On this Good Friday, we celebrate what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. Through his death, our guilt is removed, our enslavement ends, God’s wrath is turned aside, and our relationship with God is restored. Believers in Christ receive all of these benefits through the death of Christ. That’s why we call the day of Jesus’ death Good Friday. Read More ...