Imagine if Paul wrote us a letter in which he stated his plans to come and visit us. I wonder what we would need to clean up in preparation for his visit. What problems would we want to resolve before he got here? Are there any sins of the spirit or of the flesh that we would need to repent of? Now is the time to repent. Read More ...
Following Paul’s pattern here, we must continue to serve God by serving others, even when they are unloving, disloyal, and unappreciative. We continue serving even when we have to spend our own resources, even when we feel spent in the process. We can do that because, ultimately, we are serving God by serving such people. Our highest goal is to serve God, and sometimes that requires serving others who are not so nice. But we persevere, we continue to serve because we love the souls of men. Read More ...
I recently read an article that reflects the passage we are looking at today. The author, a former pastor wrote: When we presented some changes [to the church by-laws] that…
Maybe God will remove our thorns in the flesh; I hope he does. But if not, God’s grace is available for us as we experience afflictions and infirmities. Many of us have thorns in the flesh that we deal with. I trust that our testimony is the same as Paul’s—we’ve found that God’s grace is sufficient; we remain spiritually strong even when physically weak and afflicted. We keep on serving God in spite of our thorns and weaknesses because of God’s grace and strength. Read More ...
We must evaluate all spiritual experiences—our own or someone else’s—by the Word of God. If mystical experiences do not line up with biblical patterns and clear teaching, then we have no reason to believe the one claiming to have such experiences. I am frankly very doubtful of claims regarding supernatural experiences of this dramatic style. Read More ...
It’s in humanity’s best interests to value children and to protect them both before and after they are born. No amount of bodily autonomy surpasses the value of a child, born or unborn. We should be far more concerned about human life than we are about bodily autonomy. When the desire for bodily autonomy conflicts with the value of human life, we must protect and preserve human life. Read More ...
Congregationalism follows the pattern found in the NT. Other ways of operating a church may be more efficient, but congregational church order is both biblical and practical. Congregationalism calls for the participation and cooperation of every member of the church. This form of church order is an opportunity to extend fellowship, love, and cooperation. Operating the church this way should draw us to together in a spirit of unity and teamwork. Read More ...
Like Paul, we should be deeply grieved when professing believers fall into sin and unbelief. It should bother us when they leave the church and neglect the faith. We should have a sense of compassion and sympathy for those who stumble. Read More ...
This list of abuse and misconduct—enslavement, exploitation, taking advantage, arrogance, insults—these are the danger signs exposing false teachers. If people do these kinds of things, it’s because they are satanic frauds. We must not gullibly tolerate such abuse and false teaching. We must see the difference between godly leaders and abusive tyrants. Read More ...
As we go through the door to the new year, let’s make sure that we bring our faith and our good works with us. Let’s not only continue, remain, and abide; let’s also strengthen the things that remain in 2024. Read More ...
Imagine if Paul wrote us a letter in which he stated his plans to come and visit us. I wonder what we would need to clean up in preparation for his visit. What problems would we want to resolve before he got here? Are there any sins of the spirit or of the flesh that we would need to repent of? Now is the time to repent. Read More ...
Following Paul’s pattern here, we must continue to serve God by serving others, even when they are unloving, disloyal, and unappreciative. We continue serving even when we have to spend our own resources, even when we feel spent in the process. We can do that because, ultimately, we are serving God by serving such people. Our highest goal is to serve God, and sometimes that requires serving others who are not so nice. But we persevere, we continue to serve because we love the souls of men. Read More ...
I recently read an article that reflects the passage we are looking at today. The author, a former pastor wrote: When we presented some changes [to the church by-laws] that…
Maybe God will remove our thorns in the flesh; I hope he does. But if not, God’s grace is available for us as we experience afflictions and infirmities. Many of us have thorns in the flesh that we deal with. I trust that our testimony is the same as Paul’s—we’ve found that God’s grace is sufficient; we remain spiritually strong even when physically weak and afflicted. We keep on serving God in spite of our thorns and weaknesses because of God’s grace and strength. Read More ...
We must evaluate all spiritual experiences—our own or someone else’s—by the Word of God. If mystical experiences do not line up with biblical patterns and clear teaching, then we have no reason to believe the one claiming to have such experiences. I am frankly very doubtful of claims regarding supernatural experiences of this dramatic style. Read More ...
It’s in humanity’s best interests to value children and to protect them both before and after they are born. No amount of bodily autonomy surpasses the value of a child, born or unborn. We should be far more concerned about human life than we are about bodily autonomy. When the desire for bodily autonomy conflicts with the value of human life, we must protect and preserve human life. Read More ...
Congregationalism follows the pattern found in the NT. Other ways of operating a church may be more efficient, but congregational church order is both biblical and practical. Congregationalism calls for the participation and cooperation of every member of the church. This form of church order is an opportunity to extend fellowship, love, and cooperation. Operating the church this way should draw us to together in a spirit of unity and teamwork. Read More ...
Like Paul, we should be deeply grieved when professing believers fall into sin and unbelief. It should bother us when they leave the church and neglect the faith. We should have a sense of compassion and sympathy for those who stumble. Read More ...
This list of abuse and misconduct—enslavement, exploitation, taking advantage, arrogance, insults—these are the danger signs exposing false teachers. If people do these kinds of things, it’s because they are satanic frauds. We must not gullibly tolerate such abuse and false teaching. We must see the difference between godly leaders and abusive tyrants. Read More ...
As we go through the door to the new year, let’s make sure that we bring our faith and our good works with us. Let’s not only continue, remain, and abide; let’s also strengthen the things that remain in 2024. Read More ...