We must remember that the things of the world are contrary to the things of God. The world is temporary, passing off the scene, here today—gone tomorrow. So it’s foolish to value the things of the world. It’s dangerous for us to think that we can love the world and still love God. John says that we can’t. Read More ...
If you struggle to control your anger, spend extra time in prayer. Study what the Bible says about anger. Angry Christians must make every effort to uproot and remove sinful anger from their lives. They must exercise self-control and seek to be led by the Spirit on this issue. We must all seek to replace anger with kindness, patience, and compassion. We can overcome anger as we yield ourselves to God and walk by faith. Read More ...
We must maintain our opposition to the LGBT agenda and same-sex marriage. One way to do that is to proclaim our respect for biblical marriage. God’s intent is that a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves unto his wife. One man and one wife for one life is God’s plan, and that should be our commitment and our plan as well. That ought to be the vision of the good life that we impress upon our children. Read More ...
The Bible commands us to avoid bitterness. We must put it away; get rid of it; kill it. Confess bitterness as sin. Forgive those who have wronged you. Refuse to hold on to that hurt. It’s not doing you any good. Don’t brood over the wrongs that others have done to you or the pains that you have suffered. Don’t dwell on your disappointments. Look to the future, not the past. Read More ...
Our singing is supposed to reflect the “word of Christ.” We are supposed to use music to promote wisdom, teaching, and admonishment. The musical forms expected to be sung in church are psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. In order to communicate the truth of Scripture through music, we must insist that the music be theologically correct. The principles and ideas communicated in the music must be biblically accurate. Read More ...
Christians assert that God is the ultimate authority, not humans. God is the creator, and he’s told us who we are and how to behave ourselves. The word of God holds authority over us, and it’s in our best interests to align ourselves with the moral standards we find in God’s Word. And those standards of behavior are good, right, and proper. It’s best for us when we follow the owner’s manual. Following God’s commands is always in our own best interests. Read More ...