For many years, the government and the church were largely in agreement morally. The church was a major influence in the culture, and the government mostly had respect for basic Christian virtues like honesty, fairness, and human value. The government, in many cases, upheld and supported biblical values. Today, after 60 years of moral revolution in our culture, many people in powerful places of authority have no respect for Christianity or biblical virtues. They are actively fighting against them. Read More ...
If your dad is a Christian, the best thing you can do for him is to be saved and to serve Christ. That should be the highest desire for every Christian dad—to see their children saved and living for God. Your dad would be happier about that than anything else you could do. One of the best ways to honor your dad is to follow him in the faith if he is saved. Read More ...
Every believer has received various resources that we are to use wisely, things like time, talents, and treasures. Our goal should be to use the resources we have for God’s glory and for the good of others. We should want to be productive with the resources we have. We may not have much, but what we have, we should use for the glory of God. Read More ...
Although this is an account of a physical healing, it also presents to us a picture of spiritual healing—i.e., salvation. We were once unclean “lepers,” as it were, standing “afar off” because of our disease—sin. Our sin had defiled us and made us unclean. Without God’s healing, our experience would be eternal death. But when we recognized our own diseased condition, we called out to Jesus, “Master, have mercy upon us.” As we exercised obedient faith, Jesus cleansed us from sin and we were able to draw near to our savior. Now we want to glorify God and express our profound gratitude to him. So the leper presents an interesting picture of salvation. Read More ...
We can’t change the fact that people will cause us to stumble. We live in a broken, sin-cursed world. It’s inevitable that people will offend us and tempt us. They will lead us astray. We can’t control that, but we can control how we respond to such offenses. And we must avoid causing offenses for others. We don’t want to be the stumbling block that hinders anyone from following Jesus. In fact, we should rather die than cause someone else to sin or go astray. Read More ...