

Marriage is a partnership, and when the partnership is mutually beneficial, it’s a wonderful experience. My advice for those who are of marriageable age and status is to find a partner with whom you can experience the joys of marriage. Read More ...
This is the foundation for understanding the Christian family. God created us and he created the family. Our Creator has certain expectations for the family, and it’s in our best interests to fulfill those expectations. Because each family is composed of sinners, family problems are common. But we can overcome family problems when are committed to following Christ and to following the biblical guidelines for family living. Read More ...
Does music matter? Does it matter to God? Yes, there can be no doubt about that. Should it matter to us? Obviously it should. The Bible contains hundreds of references to music and its influence. We affirm God’s truth to one another through music. Music speaks to our emotions and helps us express our worship to God. Music matters to God and it should matter to us. Read More ...
Jesus’ final words command his disciples to be witnesses among the nations. Our job is to bring the Gospel to those who are separated from God because of their sin. We are to proclaim a message of repentance of sin and faith in Christ. We should trust God to enable us through his Spirit to do this great work. All of us should be involved in some way with the great task of spreading the Gospel to every people-group. Read More ...
The resurrection of Jesus is a fundamental, essential part of the Christian Gospel. To be saved, you must believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again (1 Cor 15:3-4). These facts are undeniable. And these facts give the assurance of eternal life to everyone who believes the Gospel. Read More ...
For those young ladies who are contemplating marriage and motherhood, make sure you find a good partner/teammate. Your success and happiness—or lack thereof—will depend on your choice of partner. Make sure you find a partner who will be a good father for your children and a good leader for your household. Read More ...
The Scriptures tell us that the appearances of Jesus after the resurrection were very important. The fact of Jesus’ resurrection rests on eye-witness testimony. These two witnesses add their experience to the others who testify that Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection is not mythology or legend. It is a well-attested fact of history. Read More ...
I trust that on this Resurrection Sunday, we will all take time to ponder the marvelous news—“He is not here, but is risen.” And I trust that we will not think of this news as “idle tales” and nonsense, but as absolute, unchangeable, undeniable, verifiable truth. Jesus is risen, he is risen indeed. And it’s this great event that we celebrate today. Read More ...
The Christian life is a rich, meaningful, satisfying experience. And when this life is over, God has promised us an eternal home in heaven where we’ll enjoy “all things.” Christians enjoy a rich and meaningful life here and now, and when we die, we will experience true, unimaginable riches in heaven. Read More ...
I suspect that some of us here today are decorating ourselves with an item closely associated with death. That is, some of us, I assume, are wearing crosses. It might…
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