

Let’s also consider whether we have the kind of inner, personal character and virtue that allow people to trust us to do the right thing. There should be no doubt in people’s minds that we are trustworthy and virtuous people. There should be no question about whether we would respond correctly in a delicate and potentially dangerous situation. We should be people of integrity and virtue that others trust to do the right thing. Read More ...

Ruth’s Report

November 28, 2021
Next time your wife or husband asks you how your day went, or when someone asks, “How are you?” try this reply: “God hath not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead.” That response might be a good conversation starter. Read More ...
Do the unbelievers around you know or suspect that you are a Christian? If you are following the direction of the psalmist here—confessing/praising and thanking God publicly—it should be abundantly obvious that you are. Jesus tells us to let our lights shine before men (Mt 5:16). Read More ...
This passage shows us that God is working behind the scenes to provide for his people. Even seemingly random, chance occurrences are part of God’s providential care for us. Those who have come to trust under the shadow of God’s wing can have hope for the future. We must trust in the Lord to guide us to our place of work and to the people we need to know. Read More ...

The Laborers are Few

November 7, 2021
Missions message by Joel Castellon
Today, Oct 31, 2021, is the 504th anniversary of the event that sparked the Protestant Reformation. On this day in 1517, an obscure monk and scholar named Martin Luther attached…
Many of us have good reasons to be bitter. But the Bible commands us to avoid bitterness. Put it away; get rid of it. Confess bitterness as a sin. Forgive those who have wronged you. Refuse to hold on to that hurt. It’s not doing you any good. Don’t brood over the wrongs that others have done to you. Read More ...
Someday, suffering will be completely banished for Christians. There will be no more weeping or pain. We have an eternity to enjoy all the good things that God provides for his people. We will be eternally free from disaster and disappointment. Read More ...
We probably don’t understand how radical of a commitment this was. Ruth was ready to leave her country and her own people in order to follow Naomi. A person’s identity and sense of stability and security is often directly tied to family and home place. Ruth is willing to give up all of that to follow Naomi. And all of that is despite the fact that Naomi believes that the future is hopeless. So Ruth’s commitment to Naomi is really remarkable. Read More ...
Before making a major move, every family should very carefully weigh the pros and the cons—the costs and the benefits. You don’t want to seek greener grass elsewhere, only to find more problems in the new place. It’s probably not a good idea to move to a place that is spiritually dark and pagan. You must consider the effects of the move on your family. Read More ...
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