At Christmastime, we celebrate Jesus’ birth, and rightly so. We should recognize that Jesus’ birth was the culmination of a long line of people and events that had to unfold in a certain way. In part, it’s these genealogical lists that give us confidence that Jesus is whom he claimed to be—not only the son of Mary and the adopted son of Joseph, but the son of David, the son of Abraham and, most significantly, the eternal Son of God. Read More ...
Apart from the biblical authors themselves, Calvin stands as one of the most influential Christian leaders the world has ever seen. Luther’s colleague, Philip Melanchthon, revered him as the most able interpreter of Scripture in the church, and therefore labeled him simply “the theologian.” And Charles Spurgeon said that Calvin “propounded truth more clearly than any other man that ever breathed, knew more of Scripture, and explained it more clearly.” His influence remains strong within numerous branches of the church even today. Read More ...
We can have confidence that all of the things Jesus tells us here will happen. The culmination of this plan is the 2nd Coming of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom. And before the kingdom arrives, believers will experience the kinds of things Jesus warns about here—persecution, wars, natural disasters, betrayal, and even death. We must endure such difficulties; we must persevere in faith and in good works until the Lord returns. Read More ...
The scribes were vain, greedy, and hypocritical abusers. To outward appearances, they looked like holy men, humble servants of God. But inwardly, under the veneer, they were just the opposite. They were selfish and materialistic. They didn’t really care about others, even the most pitiful and vulnerable among them. They cared only about themselves. Read More ...
I hope that you are not greatly mistaken in what you believe about Jesus and the resurrection, as the Sadducees were. Great theological error can cost you your eternal soul. Make sure that you “shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection of the dead.” Recognize that Jesus is the master teacher of the Scriptures, and trust in him to grant you eternal life. Read More ...