Fathers in particular have a very important set of contributions to make to their children as they grow up. Fathers contribute differently to boys and to girls. All kids need parenting, but boys need one set of things from their dads, and girls need something else. Fathers should be careful to provide what their children need from them, especially those things that no one else can provide. Read More ...
This is the foundation for understanding the Christian family. God created us and he created the family. Our Creator has certain expectations for the family, and it’s in our best interests to fulfill those expectations. Because each family is composed of sinners, family problems are common. But we can overcome family problems when are committed to following Christ and to following the biblical guidelines for family living. Read More ...
The Scriptures tell us that the appearances of Jesus after the resurrection were very important. The fact of Jesus’ resurrection rests on eye-witness testimony. These two witnesses add their experience to the others who testify that Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection is not mythology or legend. It is a well-attested fact of history. Read More ...
I trust that on this Resurrection Sunday, we will all take time to ponder the marvelous news—“He is not here, but is risen.” And I trust that we will not think of this news as “idle tales” and nonsense, but as absolute, unchangeable, undeniable, verifiable truth. Jesus is risen, he is risen indeed. And it’s this great event that we celebrate today. Read More ...
Don’t let fear prevent you from demonstrating that you are an unashamed follower of Jesus. Don’t let it be said of you, “He was a disciple of Jesus, but in secret, because he feared his friends and family. He feared ridicule and rejection. He feared missing out on all the fun he would have if others knew he was a Christian.” Don’t let it be said of you, “I never knew he/she was a Christian. I would never have guessed.” Our words, actions, and attitudes should convey very clearly and obviously that we are Christians. I trust that everyone around you knows that you are a follower of Jesus. He suffered pain and humiliation for us, and the least we can do is stand up boldly for him like Joseph did. Read More ...