

Every believer has received various resources that we are to use wisely, things like time, talents, and treasures. Our goal should be to use the resources we have for God’s glory and for the good of others. We should want to be productive with the resources we have. We may not have much, but what we have, we should use for the glory of God. Read More ...

God and Government

May 17, 2020
Remember Pres. Reagan’s memorable statement: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.” Read More ...
Although this is an account of a physical healing, it also presents to us a picture of spiritual healing—i.e., salvation. We were once unclean “lepers,” as it were, standing “afar off” because of our disease—sin. Our sin had defiled us and made us unclean. Without God’s healing, our experience would be eternal death. But when we recognized our own diseased condition, we called out to Jesus, “Master, have mercy upon us.” As we exercised obedient faith, Jesus cleansed us from sin and we were able to draw near to our savior. Now we want to glorify God and express our profound gratitude to him. So the leper presents an interesting picture of salvation. Read More ...
We can’t change the fact that people will cause us to stumble. We live in a broken, sin-cursed world. It’s inevitable that people will offend us and tempt us. They will lead us astray. We can’t control that, but we can control how we respond to such offenses. And we must avoid causing offenses for others. We don’t want to be the stumbling block that hinders anyone from following Jesus. In fact, we should rather die than cause someone else to sin or go astray. Read More ...

One of the men credited with writing Highway to Hell was Bon Scott. The 33-year-old singer died in 1980, either from alcoholism or drug abuse, or both. They found his dead body sitting in a car on a London street after a night of carousing. He’s no longer on the highway to hell; he’s arrived at his destination, and from all indications, he’s now with the rich man. Jesus has provided an exit ramp off the highway to hell. If you turn from your sin and trust in Jesus to save you, you’ll never experience the torments of hell. It’s my hope and prayer that you will take that exit ramp off the highway to hell while you still can. Read More ...
God expects us, as his stewards, to use the resources he has entrusted us for good purposes. Worldly people know how to use money for their purposes; Christians should know how to use money for godly, spiritual, and eternal purposes. What we have is not our own, and we’ll give an account of how we used what God entrusted to us. Let’s use what we have for godly purposes. Read More ...
We ought to be happy about Jesus’ ministry to outcasts and sinners. We should be glad that “whosoever will may come.” No matter what you’ve done in the past, if you are willing to repent, God is willing to forgive you. That’s the good news of the Gospel. Read More ...
Do you know what pro-abortionists now think of the child in the womb? They see that little baby as a parasite or a cancerous disease. They think of the baby as a foreign substance that invades the mother and hijacks her immune system. The unborn child is like a leech that uses another person’s body without permission. Others describe pregnancy as being kidnapped. An uninvited alien invades the mother’s womb and refuses to budge for 9 months. In that time, the unwanted parasite hijacks the mother’s system and causes all kinds of trouble the woman did not ask for. Pregnancy is little more than bondage and misery caused by an unwanted parasite. Pregnancy is a pestilence and a disease; abortion is the remedy. That’s really what they think. That’s the culture of death. What a terrible, corrupt, and perverted way of looking at the natural, God-designed process of bringing a child into the world. Read More ...
Today is the annual meeting of Liberty Baptist Church, so I wanted to direct our attention to the importance of the local church. Mt 16:18 is one of the most…
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