

It’s unfortunate that Ben Hadad didn’t ask Elisha how he could be right with God. He died as a pagan idolater. The Bible assures us that it is appointed to everyone to die. People don’t want to think about it, but death is inescapable. All of us will die, either through natural or unnatural means. The time to prepare for that reality is now, while we still have the opportunity. Ben Hadad’s opportunity is gone; his destiny is unchangeable. As long as you are alive, you still have the opportunity to choose your eternal destiny. Repent and trust in Christ before it’s too late. Read More ...
We live in a perilous time. Many threats against our God-given, unalienable rights exist today. If some people have their way, our property rights will continue to erode. If things keep going the way that they are, we may eventually lose our property rights, or at least see them greatly reduced. If that happens, it’s just another sign of God withdrawing his hand of blessing on our nation. For those of us who care about these things, we should do all we can to prevent our system of government from being radically altered. We need to vote people into office who will uphold and defend our constitution and our rights. Read More ...
When we turn away from God and disobey his word, we can count on God’s judgment or chastisement. That’s true personally and nationally. When we believe God’s word and obey it, we can expect God’s deliverance and blessing. God will fulfill his promises and make good on his threats. Let’s pray that God will withhold his judgment and show mercy to our nation. Read More ...
God is at work behind the scenes, often in invisible ways, to provide for his people. As God’s people, we should be aware that God is with us and will provide for us and defend us. He’ll provide solutions to our problems. We may not experience miraculous solutions like we see in this text, but God can still help us solve our problems in other ways. Therefore, we can follow Elisha’s command—“fear not.” With the resources God provides, we can deal with the problems we encounter in life. Read More ...
For many years, the government and the church were largely in agreement morally. The church was a major influence in the culture, and the government mostly had respect for basic Christian virtues like honesty, fairness, and human value. The government, in many cases, upheld and supported biblical values. Today, after 60 years of moral revolution in our culture, many people in powerful places of authority have no respect for Christianity or biblical virtues. They are actively fighting against them. Read More ...
There is nothing that happens in the world that is outside of the providential control of almighty God. From the largest world events to the smallest personal details, God is in control. When the world seems to be spinning out of control, it’s good to know that God is still on the throne. Read More ...
If your dad is a Christian, the best thing you can do for him is to be saved and to serve Christ. That should be the highest desire for every Christian dad—to see their children saved and living for God. Your dad would be happier about that than anything else you could do. One of the best ways to honor your dad is to follow him in the faith if he is saved. Read More ...
Those who serve the Lord vocationally greatly benefit from the kindness and generosity of God’s people. The biblical pattern for the support of God’s servants is that the people of God provide for those who serve God vocationally. Read More ...
Christians should combine both prayer and planning. We should consider both the spiritual and the physical when making plans. We should consider what God would want, and we should consider what would be the most likely to succeed. That’s how you plan and make decisions. Read More ...
We learn here that those who serve God should expect ridicule and opposition. Mockery of God’s representatives is nothing new. They mocked Moses and the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, and they’ll mock you, too, if you stand up for the Lord and serve him. Read More ...
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