I wonder if we are giving thanks biblically, in the same ways we find reflected in the NT. I hope that during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll be thanking God unceasingly, abundantly, universally, diligently, sincerely, and gastronomically. Our expressions of thanks to God “always for all things” should extend throughout our lives and keep on going throughout eternity. Read More ...
I wonder what George Washington would think of our country today? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we still had national leaders like him? What would it be like to have national leaders who encourage our people to recognize God’s providence, to obey God’s will, to be thankful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor? Perhaps we still have a few elected leaders who would agree with Washington, but not many. It seems that we have fewer and fewer leaders or citizens who care about such things. Many of our so-called leaders today urge us to reject biblical values and to deny the providence of God. What a shame. Read More ...
We ought to be thankful that God is in charge of the universe. In spite of the fact that it may appear to us that the world is spinning out of control, we affirm with David that God reigns over all things and that his purposes cannot fail. We thank God for his glory, power, and sovereignty. Read More ...