We all wish that we could live without conflict. But in our sinful world, conflict is virtually inevitable. Even in the church, conflict happens. Someone offends you; he says something unkind; she snubs you or insults you. How do you respond? Either forgive and put it behind you or start this process—go to your brother and tell him his fault. And if you are the offender, respond appropriately to such confrontation. That’s the proper way to deal with interpersonal conflict within the church. Read More ...
Congregationalism follows the pattern found in the NT. Other ways of operating a church may be more efficient, but congregational church order is both biblical and practical. Congregationalism calls for the participation and cooperation of every member of the church. This form of church order is an opportunity to extend fellowship, love, and cooperation. Operating the church this way should draw us to together in a spirit of unity and teamwork. Read More ...
We could describe the body of Christ as the whole spiritual body of true Christian believers of the church age regardless of location or circumstances. I.e., all church-age believers in Jesus. Read More ...
We should be striving to be a church that
1. Baptizes those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus alone to be saved;
2. Receives baptized converts into the membership of the church;
3. Teaches NT apostolic doctrine; we want to teach and affirm “sound doctrine”;
4. Live in fellowship; we emphasize the importance of partnership among people of like faith and practice. We want to be of one accord, of one mind.
5. Worships through teaching the Word, providing the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, emphasizing corporate prayer, and praising God.
Every Christian ought to be a member of a church that follows that pattern. Read More ...
When our ultimate aim is to bring glory to God, we gauge success in terms of faithfulness to God and his word. Success is not a matter of facilities or numbers of people in the pews or budget. Faithfulness is success. Read More ...
Bible Text: Matthew 16:18 | Preacher: Pastor Brad Anderson | Series: Miscellaneous sermons on various topics | Today is the annual meeting of Liberty Baptist Church, so I wanted to…