I hope that if anyone were describing any one of us, they would say something like what we find in vs. 23—“they are partners and fellow workers, they are servants of the churches, and they are serving for the glory of Christ.” I hope we all have those qualities and are seeking to serve God and the church in those ways. Read More ...
If Christ were not raised from the dead, he was merely another one of the thousands of people crucified by the Roman Empire. But if he rose from the dead, he is the victor, not a victim, a conqueror, not a casualty. We affirm again today, as all Christians have for nearly 2,000 years, that Jesus was victorious over death and the devil, as proven by his resurrection. Read More ...
Paul says nothing here about the amount anyone gave. He’s not really concerned about the size of the gift; he’s concerned about the attitude of giving. Those who have experienced the grace of God are joyfully generous in their giving. They give voluntarily, without having to be prodded, coerced, or reminded. They give sacrificially at times, even beyond what would be a reasonable amount, beyond what they can normally afford. They give because they want to participate in serving God’s people. Richly generous people appreciate the grace that they have received, and they want to give richly to support those in need and those serving God. Read More ...
Often, when conflicts arise, the solution is for one side of the conflict to appeal to the other side to pursue reconciliation. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to say something like “Let’s be friends. Let’s try to restore our friendship.” Someone has to start this process by reaching out to the other side. Read More ...
Perhaps the key thing to remember here is that separation from sin is a requirement for a close, personal walk with God. If we want to draw near to God, then we must not be yoked together with unbelievers; we must not touch the unclean thing. Our aim should be that we cleanse ourselves from all defilements and pursue a life of holiness. Holiness demands that we avoid partnerships, alliances, linkages, or relationships that would associate us with unrighteousness. “Come out from among them and be separate.” Read More ...