Christmas is a celebration of the fact that Jesus “came unto his own.” It’s a great tragedy that Jesus’ own people did not receive him. But even though they didn’t, we can receive him; anyone can receive Jesus through repentance and faith. And if we do, we become the children of God. That’s very good news, and it’s a message worth celebrating. Read More ...
It’s sad that many churches seem to have little appreciation for those who serve the congregation humbly, sacrificially, honestly, and lovingly. They take the pastor for granted and often create all kinds of problems for him. Some churches neglect, overwork, and underpay their pastors. Churches like that often chase away good pastors; they can’t keep a pastor. I’m glad that such has not been my experience. Read More ...
Many churches today have been deceived and corrupted by false teachers. The pastors who should be protecting the flock from immorality and deceit have failed to do their jobs. They’ve allowed the false teachers to gain authority within the church. Churches have strayed away from the simplicity of Christ and have accepted error. We must be diligent and discerning so as to avoid that outcome. Read More ...
We must continually be moving out of the darkness and into the light. We want to move out of the darkness of ignorance and sin and into the light of obedience and righteousness. We want to escape the darkness of ignorance and apathy and move toward the light of knowledge and commitment. We must forsake the darkness of superstition and paganism we see in our world and pursue the light of God as we find it in the Bible. And we want to help others move out of the darkness of sin into the light of salvation. We do that by proclaiming the biblical Gospel and urging people to repent and believe in Jesus. Read More ...
Disciples of Christ follow the teachings of Christ and proclaim those teachings to others. They want others to become followers of Christ. Disciples make or help make other disciples. They want to spread the Gospel so that others hear the message and respond in repentance and faith. Read More ...