A very old German legend tells the story of a man named Faust, who makes a bargain with the devil. In exchange for knowledge and pleasure, Faust forfeited his soul.…
In our world today, identity is very important. People want to identify themselves in various ways and they want others to identify them accurately. And there’s a lot of confusion…
None of us, as far as I know, has ever experienced severe persecution for our faith. Perhaps we’ve experienced a little harassment, perhaps a little discomfort, or maybe some awkward…
We live in what has been called the Information Age or the Digital Age. With the introduction of the personal computer in the 1970s, and with subsequent improvements and innovations,…
This morning, I’d like us to consider how political forces and ideas can threaten the church. And by “political forces,” I don’t mean only the government. The political forces that…
Neal Ludwig and family, missionaries to Ghana, West Africa
Recent studies have found that about 70% of Americans claim to be Christian and about 23% of the population identify as “nones” (not nuns). When asked what religion they are…
Today we’ll be considering atheism and several other “isms” that represent threats to Christianity. The list of anti-Christian “isms” is almost endless; we could talk about Marxism, Feminism, secular humanism,…
Ephesians 5:11 tells us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove/expose them. Exposing error and immorality is no fun; I’d rather not have to…
Why Islam is a threat to the church, primarily looking at the differences between what Islam teaches and what Christianity teaches.