January 26, 2025

Sanctity of Life–Thoughts on Abortion

Passage: Romans 1:16-25

We believe that human life is sacred. Human life, at every stage of development, from womb to the tomb, has value and is worthy of protection. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God and thus should be treated with dignity and respect no matter what their condition or prospects.

In previous years, I’ve addressed just about every angle of the abortion issue. I’ve spoken about the biblical case against abortion, the medical case against it, and the moral case against it. I think I’ve addressed the issue from just about every standpoint to show that abortion is immoral, unbiblical, and unnecessary.

Today I want to talk about several ideas related to the issue of the sanctity of human life. These are thoughts that have come to mind as I’ve considered the issue lately. These are issues and principles associated with the topic. Abortion is a symptom of larger problems. When a culture allows abortion, it says a lot about that culture.

So today I want to mention some principles associated with abortion that we should understand.

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