We readily admit that the sovereignty of God is a difficult, even troubling doctrine, especially when we are facing pain, sorrow, disaster, and disappointment. To know that God ultimately is behind all the events of our lives can be difficult to accept. It’s sometimes almost easier to believe that God is not in charge. It might be easier to believe that it was random chance or pure bad luck than that God has brought it or allowed it. Read More ...
We affirm that both calamities and good things ultimately come from God. If God is sovereign, and if God’s providence rules over all things, then we believe that both blessings and calamities ultimately come from God. God has a morally righteous purpose even in calamities and disasters. Trusting God is the most difficult in times of crisis and disaster, but that’s what we must do. Read More ...
We want to use music that is reverent, biblically accurate, modest, good, beautiful and true. The music that we use to convey the truth should appeal to our higher nature, our spiritual affections. Other styles of music may be perfectly appropriate in other contexts; but in the worship of God at church, we want to use music that is most likely to bring glory to God and to convey his word to us. Read More ...
Serving as a mother is a great responsibility but also a great privilege. If you are a mother now or are planning to become a mother, realize that you are doing very important work. Very few things in life are more significant than having children and raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It’s a difficult job, but no Christian mother would ever say anything like “I feel like I am completely irrelevant.” If you are very relevant and necessary. Read More ...
Jesus affirms that some will “receive greater damnation” than others (Luke 20:46-47). He referred to those who would receive greater or fewer stripes, depending on how much they knew (Luke 12:47-48). The punishment will always fit the crime. No one will be unjustly punished. The wicked will get what they deserve, no more and no less. Read More ...
I wonder if the description “he that is spiritual” applies to you? Would anyone describe you as spiritual? Or would the words “natural” or “carnal” more accurately apply to you? Do you have the qualities of a spiritual Christian? Would you say that you have a degree of spiritual maturity? Read More ...
Ultimately, we know that God has all things under control. The powers that be are ordained by God. They have no power except what God gave them. Even people like Judas, Pontius Pilate, and Caiaphas have a purpose in God’s overall plan. God can use the evil activities of wicked people to fulfill his purposes. Read More ...