Over the course of just the last few days, the world experienced the violent elimination of a high-profile military leader, a missile attack, a jet plane crash, and an earth…
In today’s passage from Luke, we have three parables about losing things and then rejoicing when they are found. These are the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin,…
part 2 of message; final three points
We ought to be thankful that God is in charge of the universe. In spite of the fact that it may appear to us that the world is spinning out of control, we affirm with David that God reigns over all things and that his purposes cannot fail. We thank God for his glory, power, and sovereignty. Read More ...
One of Aesop’s fables tells a story about a fox who fell into a well and was unable to get out. A goat comes along and sees the fox in…
When someone invites you to a dinner party, you are usually on your best behavior. You use your good manners, you try to be sociable and cheerful, and you try…
Some of us have no doubt have watched those programs on TV that revolve around Victorian manners in wealthy, English households. When the family sat down to a meal, they…
The Reformation was a “back to the Bible” movement, begun about 500 years ago, that influenced both the doctrine and the worship practices of the church. One of the Reformation’s…
In Luke 13, we find Jesus intentionally moving closer to Jerusalem, and he knows exactly what’s going to happen when he arrives. Before he gets there, we have this brief…
Message by special guest Steve Board, faculty member at Maranatha Baptist University. Short outline on the use of money, then message on the grace of giving.
Over the course of just the last few days, the world experienced the violent elimination of a high-profile military leader, a missile attack, a jet plane crash, and an earth…
In today’s passage from Luke, we have three parables about losing things and then rejoicing when they are found. These are the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin,…
part 2 of message; final three points
We ought to be thankful that God is in charge of the universe. In spite of the fact that it may appear to us that the world is spinning out of control, we affirm with David that God reigns over all things and that his purposes cannot fail. We thank God for his glory, power, and sovereignty. Read More ...
One of Aesop’s fables tells a story about a fox who fell into a well and was unable to get out. A goat comes along and sees the fox in…
When someone invites you to a dinner party, you are usually on your best behavior. You use your good manners, you try to be sociable and cheerful, and you try…
Some of us have no doubt have watched those programs on TV that revolve around Victorian manners in wealthy, English households. When the family sat down to a meal, they…
The Reformation was a “back to the Bible” movement, begun about 500 years ago, that influenced both the doctrine and the worship practices of the church. One of the Reformation’s…
In Luke 13, we find Jesus intentionally moving closer to Jerusalem, and he knows exactly what’s going to happen when he arrives. Before he gets there, we have this brief…
Message by special guest Steve Board, faculty member at Maranatha Baptist University. Short outline on the use of money, then message on the grace of giving.