No Compromise for Conquerors, part 1
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 7:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Brad Anderson | Series: Deuteronomy | The nation of Israel is perched on the east side of the Jordan River, just across from Jericho. They are nearly ready to cross over into the PL and begin the conquest. So Moses wants to tell the people what to do and how to live in the land when they arrive.
As we do when we approach any text of Scripture, we must consider what the original author—Moses—meant and how the original audience—the nation of Israel—would have understood these instructions. Only after we understand what these words originally meant can we begin to consider what they mean to us today.
Some of the commands in this passage apply specifically to the Israelites and not to us. We are not conquering the PL. We have no commands to destroy our enemies and take over their land. We don’t use violence to stamp out other religions.
However, many of the principles we see in this passage do have an application to us today. Like the Israelites, we have to be very careful about how we live in this world. The Bible describes us as foreigners and sojourners in this world. We must avoid learning the corrupt habits and false religions of our ungodly neighbors.
This part of the chapter is a warning against the dangers of compromise. Moses’ primary concern here is that Israel must not compromise with the nations it’s about to conquer—there is No Compromise for Conquerors.” Israel must not learn the ways of the heathen. God’s people must be radically distinct from other nations. In order to preserve the covenant with God, they must not compromise with the pagan people in the land they are about to conquer.
Likewise, Christians today need to beware of compromise. We must keep our distance from ungodly people and influences in our world. We must avoid unequal yokes and alliances that would lead to spiritual compromise. We must not learn the ways of the heathen. We must be distinct and uncompromising.
How do we live in this sinful, pagan world without compromising? Here is what Moses told the Israelites to do to avoid compromising with a depraved culture.