We must remember that the things of the world are contrary to the things of God. The world is temporary, passing off the scene, here today—gone tomorrow. So it’s foolish to value the things of the world. It’s dangerous for us to think that we can love the world and still love God. John says that we can’t. Read More ...
If you struggle to control your anger, spend extra time in prayer. Study what the Bible says about anger. Angry Christians must make every effort to uproot and remove sinful anger from their lives. They must exercise self-control and seek to be led by the Spirit on this issue. We must all seek to replace anger with kindness, patience, and compassion. We can overcome anger as we yield ourselves to God and walk by faith. Read More ...
The Bible commands us to avoid bitterness. We must put it away; get rid of it; kill it. Confess bitterness as sin. Forgive those who have wronged you. Refuse to hold on to that hurt. It’s not doing you any good. Don’t brood over the wrongs that others have done to you or the pains that you have suffered. Don’t dwell on your disappointments. Look to the future, not the past. Read More ...
The biblical teaching about identity should give us great confidence in knowing who we are and what we are all about. While the unsaved world stumbles around in blindness and confusion about the issue of identity, Christians can be very clear about their identity. God tells us who we are. Most importantly, we are made in the image of God. We are his people, and he is our God. We are priests in his service, citizens of his kingdom, and servants in his vineyard. We faithfully manage his resources and fervently communicate his message to others. Read More ...
How do we identify ourselves? As citizens of both heaven and earth. We are US citizens, yet our citizenship is in heaven. While we are here, we should be good citizens and use our influence for good. But our true, final, and highest allegiance is to the heavenly kingdom. We identify first and foremost as citizens of heaven. We want a heavenly value system installed here on earth, and we work toward that end Read More ...