Julius Caesar was right. “Language is a powerful weapon … [that] can be used to manipulate others.” Pro-abortionists use language to manipulate ignorant people into thinking that abortion is healthcare and a constitutional right when it is neither. Read More ...
Even the worst human, even the oddest or most eccentric, even the most different, the most diseased and the most deformed still bear the image of God. The oldest and the youngest, the best and the worst all share the image of God. Read More ...
Do you know what pro-abortionists now think of the child in the womb? They see that little baby as a parasite or a cancerous disease. They think of the baby as a foreign substance that invades the mother and hijacks her immune system. The unborn child is like a leech that uses another person’s body without permission. Others describe pregnancy as being kidnapped. An uninvited alien invades the mother’s womb and refuses to budge for 9 months. In that time, the unwanted parasite hijacks the mother’s system and causes all kinds of trouble the woman did not ask for.
Pregnancy is little more than bondage and misery caused by an unwanted parasite. Pregnancy is a pestilence and a disease; abortion is the remedy. That’s really what they think. That’s the culture of death.
What a terrible, corrupt, and perverted way of looking at the natural, God-designed process of bringing a child into the world. Read More ...
Today is the annual meeting of Liberty Baptist Church, so I wanted to direct our attention to the importance of the local church. Mt 16:18 is one of the most…
Over the course of just the last few days, the world experienced the violent elimination of a high-profile military leader, a missile attack, a jet plane crash, and an earth…
We ought to be thankful that God is in charge of the universe. In spite of the fact that it may appear to us that the world is spinning out of control, we affirm with David that God reigns over all things and that his purposes cannot fail. We thank God for his glory, power, and sovereignty. Read More ...
The Reformation was a “back to the Bible” movement, begun about 500 years ago, that influenced both the doctrine and the worship practices of the church. One of the Reformation’s…
No book in the history of the world has been so often copied, printed, translated, read, and studied as the Bible. It stands uniquely as the object of so much…
Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday, and we want to look at these issues from a biblical point of view. Does the Bible help us understand the moral status of…
Ac 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. We know what doctrine is, we understand the breaking of…