No Compromise for Conquerors, part 2
After a break of several weeks, we are back in the book of Deuteronomy.
We’ve already looked at the first 5 verses of this passage.
This part of the chapter is a warning against the dangers of compromise. Moses’ primary concern here is that Israel must not compromise with the nations it’s about to conquer—there is “No Compromise for Conquerors.” Israel must not learn the ways of the heathen. God’s people must be radically distinct from other nations. In order to preserve the covenant with God, they must not compromise with the pagan people in the land they are about to conquer.
Likewise, Christians today need to beware of compromise. We must keep our distance from ungodly people and influences in our world. We must avoid unequal yokes and alliances that would lead to spiritual compromise. We must not learn the ways of the heathen. We must be distinct and uncompromising.
How do we live in this sinful, pagan world without compromise? Last time, we considered the first four commands that Moses gave to the Israelites that would help them avoid compromising with a depraved culture.
.1-2 Conquer the nations greater than you. Cast out these great nations; utterly destroy them.
.2c Make no covenant with them; show them no mercy. No contracts, no treaties with them; cause God’s judgment to fall upon them.
.3-4 Make no marriages with them.
.5 Destroy their religious images/objects. There must be no spiritual compromise, no cooperation with idolatry. You must throw down and eliminate their false religion.
Those were the first four steps in avoiding compromise. With that in mind, let’s go ahead with the rest of the passage. There are three other steps to take if we are going to avoid compromise.