November 10, 2024

The Ten Commandments, part 2

Passage: Deuteronomy 5:6-21

We’re back into the book of Deuteronomy today. Last time, we considered the first four of the 10 Commandments, and now we’re ready to look at the last six.

Bible students have noticed that the first four commands pertain to one’s relationship to God, while the next six commands pertain to one’s relationship with his fellow man. These two sets of commands are inter-related. We cannot have a right relationship with other people unless we first have a right relationship with God. We must love and obey God as first priority and love others because we love God. Loving other begins with loving God.

After making sure that our relationship with God is right, we can focus on our relationships with other people. The last six commands help us develop and maintain proper interpersonal relationships. We have conflict in our world today because people disobey these commandments. If we would obey these commands, our relationships will go far better.

Perhaps the most significant relationships for us is with our own family.

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