September 8, 2024

Deuteronomy 1

Passage: Deut 1:1-18

Last week, we began our study of the book of Deuteronomy with an overview or survey of the book. Today we’ll begin looking at the text itself.

The first four chapters of Deuteronomy are mostly a review of the experiences of Israel between the time it left Egypt and the time it entered the PL.

In this series of messages, Moses is trying to encourage the people and prepare them for this tremendous task to conquering the PL. But before they begin, he wants to remind them about a few things.

The main themes in this first chapter are God’s authority and Israel’s rebellion against God. Moses is reminding the people of their failure and warning them not to repeat that same mistake.

And we need that same encouragement to recognize God’s authority and we need a warning about what might happen if we rebel against God.

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