September 1, 2024

A Survey/Overview of Deuteronomy

Passage: Deuteronomy 7:1-11

Today we begin a journey through the book of Deuteronomy. It may seem like an intimidating prospect to work our way through this large book, but we are going to try it. Deuteronomy is a major OT book and a very important one. It might take us a while to make our way through the book, but the benefits will be worth the efforts.

We’ll not be doing a thorough, detailed, verse-by-verse exposition of the book; that would take years to complete. We’ll be hitting the highlights of the book and moving rapidly as possible.

Some might question the value of preaching through Deuteronomy. But remember that “all Scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable…”

Rom 15:4  For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Deuteronomy is a long book, but it’s very practical and not very hard to understand. It really is one of the greatest OT books. You should develop an appreciation of this book if you don’t have one already.

We’ll start our journey as we often do with a survey/overview of the book. We’ll try to get a good look at the forest before we examine individual trees. We’ll also consider some important principles regarding interpreting the book.

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