Theological Position Statements
Church Issues
Liberty Baptist Church is a fundamental, independent, Baptist church.
- Fundamental:
- Commitment to the essential, core doctrines of historic Christianity: Fundamental Christians believe in the verbal, plenary (full) inspiration of the Bible; the resurrection of Christ; the deity of Christ; and salvation by grace through faith. Fundamentalists believe the Bible is literally true and accurate, the only rule for faith and practice.
- Separation from sin and false doctrine: Fundamental Christians emphasize separation from the world and promote holiness of lifestyle. They also insist on separation from wrong doctrine and from those who teach it. They refuse to cooperate with those who deny important biblical doctrines. A primary emphasis of fundamentalists is their desire to expose error and separate from it. Practical holiness in life and doctrine is the essential distinction of Fundamentalism.
- Boldness or zeal: Fundamental Christians are assertive in their defense of the truth and in their exposure of error.
- Independent: Liberty Baptist is not part of any larger denominational organization. Nobody outside of the church has any influence over the church. The members of the church run the church without any outside interference. Any associations with which Liberty Baptist Church affiliates would not endanger the church’s independence or autonomy.
- Baptist: Liberty Baptist endorses and follows the biblical distinctions of Baptists. These include the Bible as the sole authority for faith and practice (2 Tim 3:16-17); the autonomy of the local church (1 Cor 5:4-5, 12-13, 6:1-5); the priesthood of the believer (Heb 4:16; 1 Pet 2:9; Rev 1:6); two ordinances: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41-42); soul liberty (Rom 14:5, 12; 1 John 2:27); regenerate church membership (Acts 2:41, 47); two offices: pastor and deacon (Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:1-13); and separation of church and state (Matt 22:21).
Political/Social/Moral Issues
- Abortion: LBC is against abortion because it is murder. A child living inside the womb is just as human as one living outside of it. The fetus is not disposable tissue; neither is it merely a part of the mother’s body. LBC recommends options such as adoption instead of abortion.
- Homosexuality: LBC is against homosexual practices and the homosexual agenda for our culture. Sodomy is not merely an alternative lifestyle; it is gross sin, an abomination in God’s eyes. Like any other sin, God can forgive it; and one renouncing that lifestyle may find redemption and freedom in Christ. We support efforts to define marriage as between one man and one woman only and stand against attempts to normalize same-sex “marriage.”
- Other forms of immorality: LBC categorizes the following as gross immorality that will not be tolerated within the membership of the church: homosexuality; same-sex marriage; co-habitation without the benefit of marriage; adultery; fornication; pornography; and abortion. Anyone participating in such activities will face church discipline.
- Political Action: The church has no political commission. As a church we will not endorse any political candidates for office. We may inform the church regarding political issues that impact our church and the Christian life, however.
- Social Action: The church has funds available to help those in need, and generally those funds will be directed toward those who participate in the ministry of LBC.
- Other: LBC prohibits political lobbying and racial discrimination.
Religious/Theological Issues
- Lordship salvation vs. easy believism: LBC teaches that an aspect of salvation is a recognition of who Jesus was and is—the Lord. At the point of salvation, one must make a conscious decision to follow Christ in obedient, repentant faith. One is not saved through mere obedience, but genuine faith does acknowledge that Jesus has authority over one’s life.
- Calvinism vs. Arminianism: LBC believes in the total depravity of mankind, unconditional election of believers, regenerating grace, and the perseverance of the saints. We believe that a genuine believer cannot lose his salvation. Christ’s atoning death was sufficient for all (unlimited), yet efficient only for believers.
- Sanctification: LBC teaches that the believer is progressively sanctified, starting from the point of salvation. We do not hold to a second, crisis dedication experience as being necessary for growth. We do not see “carnal” Christianity as an acceptable category of Christian life. We expect believers to progress in holiness and in their knowledge of God and the Bible. Those who consistently fail to bring forth good fruit deny their profession and can have no assurance of their salvation.
- Christian Psychology: LBC holds that God has given the believer everything he needs for life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3). The believer has access to all the resources he needs to deal with issues pertaining to the soul/spirit. We do not incorporate the dubious and dangerous findings of secular psychology into our counseling. Simple obedience to biblical principles will solve most personal problems. This does not suggest that biblical counseling can solve genuine medical problems or that it addresses other purely physical issues.
- Evangelicalism: LBC stands against the compromises common within evangelicalism. We do not use or endorse “Christian” rock music; the marketing/church-growth model; an entertainment mindset; pragmatism (i.e., “whatever works is good”); or any other method that is not in keeping with the character and glory of God. Many of the methods common within broader evangelicalism are inappropriate for use at LBC.
- Ecumenism: LBC refuses to cooperate with those who reject the clear teaching of the Bible. We seek fellowship with churches of like faith and practice.
- Charismatic Movement: LBC does not align itself with the charismatic movement. We do not practice or expect the appearance of the apostolic sign-gifts described in the Bible. We do believe in being Spirit led (i.e., controlled) and in practicing the gifts and fruit of the Spirit.
- Other Religious Movements: LBC stands in opposition to various deviant theological and religious movements, such as Word-Faith, Open Theism, the Emergent Church, and the like. LBC opposes any theological trend that denies or endangers the historic, fundamental doctrines of the evangelical Christian faith.
Bible Translations
- We believe that the original manuscripts of the books of the Bible were fully inspired by God; that is, they originated in Him. Because of differences in language, we are dependent upon translations for study and ministry.
- God has providentially preserved the Bible so that good English translations essentially reproduce the original-language texts. Translations are inspired to the degree that they accurately convey the terms and ideas of the original texts. Translations should be evaluated on their relationship to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.
- LBC recognizes the value and contribution that the King James Version has made to English-speaking Christians. It is an outstanding translation and commonly used in our church. We also see the value of some modern, essentially literal translations such as the New King James Version, the New American Standard Version, and the English Standard Version.
- The pastor is free to use a variety of English translations in his study, preaching, and teaching. He may also recommend a version or versions to the congregation.
- LBC denies that any one particular version in English is the only acceptable version. We deny that inspiration or preservation applies only to one particular English translation. We stand opposed to the King James Only movement.
- LBC strongly discourages the use of highly interpretive translations and paraphrases like The Living Bible, The Message, and Good News for Modern Man.
- LBC denies that heated debate on the Bible version issue is edifying or productive. Each member is free to hold his own opinions about Bible versions.
- LBC does not require a particular position on Greek or Hebrew texts.